Our dedicated H&S team

Our highly qualified Health & Safety team will keep you up to date with the latest legislation, policies and guidelines to keep your home safe, your investment protected, and your building compliant. 

  • For the group, we undertake contract management to ensure that the right person carries out the right tasks required - in the right way!
  • We provide a consultancy service for contractors to help with all health and safety matters and concerns. We ensure that the group works (as a minimum) to current UK H&S legislation.
  • We actively lead and support the health and well-being of staff across the group. We consider this a vital aspect of what we do on a daily basis, with a Wellbeing group, and now a Working From Home Committee ensuring that there is always someone any staff member can turn to for inspiration, advice, and even just a friendly understanding ear. 
  • With customers, we regularly attend resident management company (RMC) meetings providing clear cut professional advice to them on all H&S matters. They have a direct line of communications into the team, meaning we can speak 1-1 about anything concerning H&S.

Group Head of Health & Safety - Jonathan Gough CMIOSH

Group Head of Health & Safety - Jonathan Gough CMIOSH    Group Head of Health & Safety - Jonathan Gough video

Jonathan provides no-nonsense practical advice across the group, which ensures a safe environment for staff, clients, and homeowners alike. Jonathan gave a rallying speech on Wellbeing at this year's IRPM Seminar. It went down a storm, to discover the simple truth about wellbeing in and out of the workplace, watch the VIDEO.

“I’ve worked across a number of sectors over my 19-year career. Now responsible for delivering H&S across the Fexco Property Services group, I also sit on the ARMA high rise buildings safety committee, and the IRPM safety working group. I believe in providing no-nonsense practical advice across the group, which ensures a safe environment for staff, clients and homeowners alike.”

We are honorary consultants for The Federation of Private Residents Associations Ltd. The FPRA offers its members specialist legal, insurance, management, and building guidance. They represent and understand the interests of leaseholders seeking to set up a tenants’ association, existing tenants associations (recognised or not), and resident management companies. Jonathan Gough is a Director for FPRA.

Bob Smytherman (Chairman of The Federation of Private Residents Association) said: “I am delighted to welcome Jonathon Gough as a new Hon Consultant to join our team of volunteer expert advisers to provide free impartial advice & support to our members.”

Our group H&S policy statement and H&S resources

fexco property services accreditations   fexco property services accreditations    fexco property services accreditations    fexco property services accreditations

To contact Jonathan and the team complete the form below: